Category: Blog

Pension Auto Enrolment

Have you started planning for Pension Auto Enrolment but weren’t sure what or when you were supposed to do it? We can help you plan and put you in touch with the right people to guide you through the very tricky process of enrolment. It is very important that everyone is enrolled and it is

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Sub-contractor expenses form

Please find the Sub-Contractor expenses form. Please complete and return to us, via post or scan over to us and attach to e-mail to . Print Version

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Employment Allowance – Government gives £2000 to employers

Employment Allowance – Government gives £2000 to employers, with the following information released by HMRC : ‘Employers can reduce the amount of National Insurance contributions (NICs) they pay for their employees by up to £2,000. This is called the ‘Employment Allowance’. Employment Allowance can be claimed from 6 April 2014. You won’t have to pay

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